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Geela Garcia

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about me / contact

Geela Garcia (b. 1998) is a Filipino freelance photographer and multimedia journalist based in Manila, Philippines. Her photographic work, which documents stories of women, food sovereignty, and the environment, aims to write history from the experience of its makers.

In 2023, Garcia’s photojournalism work was recognized by the Prince Claus Fund, having been selected as one of the three Filipino artists for the non-profit’s Seed Awards. As an emerging journalist, Garcia has also reported on migration and sexual and reproductive health.

Her writing and photography appear on the Thomson Reuters Foundation - Context News, South China Morning Post, and Rappler among others. She is a Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung Media fellow with a Diploma in Visual Journalism at the Asian Center for Journalism at the Ateneo de Manila University.

She is a member of Women Photograph and Diversify Photo Up Next. 

Garcia lived in Spain to expand her perspective, where she began her personal project “The Clouds Look Different Here,” photographing the ethereal in her everyday. She is currently in the Philippines to continue her long-form projects on food sovereignty, women, and climate change.

She is available for assignments globally.

selected grants / fellowships 
awards / exhibitions

Art Fair Philippines, Tarzeer Pictures, “When Comets Land”
Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue Media Fellow
Objectifs Singapore Documentary Award Emerging Category Recipient

Prince Claus Seed Awards
18th Angkor Photo Workshops Participant
Columbia Journalism School - Dart Center Early Childhood Global Reporting Fellow
Irish Red Cross Humanitarian Awards for Journalism Excellence for “Hands on Deck”
AAJA Journalism Excellence Awards in International Reporting
Irish Food Writing Awards - Investigative Writing
Tarzeer Pictures Angkor Projections
Earth Journalism Network Marine Pollution Grantee

Girl Rising Future Rising Fellow
One World Media Fellow
Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung Media Programme Asia Fellow
Journalism Fund Two-Time Grantee
Emerging Islands “Plastic Passages”
Climate Tracker Fellow
Oxfam Philippines Pandemic Inequality Grantee
Finalist, Asia Centre Equitable Asia Award

Earth Journalism Network Fellow
Friedrich Naumann Foundation Program Fellow

UN Women Media Bootcamp Delegate